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Lectures and Publications

Dr. Quo's Lecture Schedule



March 6, 2020 : California Society of Pediatric Dentists.  San Francisco, CA


September 17, 2020:  San Mateo County Dental Society.  San Mateo, CA



January 26, 2019:  American Association or Orthodontists Mid Winter Meeting.  Treatment of OSA using Nasal Cavity Expansion.  San Marcos Island, FL

March 16-17, 2019:  UCSF Orthodontic Alumni Meeting, Sonoma, CA.  Sleep Medicine Boot camp for orthodontists: The Basics.

April 21-23, 2019:  Taiwan Cleft Palate Association.  Keynote Speaker.

Taiwan Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, keynote speaker.  Visiting Professor, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.  Taipei, Taiwan


May 11, June 18, July 13, 2019: University of California at San Francisco Mini-Residency in Dental Sleep Medicine,  San Francisco, CA


May 25, 2019  School of Sleep Medicine, Palo Alto, CA

Clinical Polysomnography and Sleep Medicine — The School of Sleep Medicine, Inc. -

Lecture Topics. Normal human sleep. Circadian rhythms. Childhood and adolescent sleep disorders. Insomnia. Narcolepsy. Sleep related breathing disorders. The Role of Dentistry and Orthodontics in Sleep Medicine


September 24, 2019: World Sleep 2019, Vancouver, Canada


April 21, June 16, July 21, August 18: UCSF Sleep Residency:   


April 27-29, 2018 : International Pediatric Sleep Association, Paris, France.


June 2, 2018: UCSF School of Dentistry Alumni Meeting:  Sleep apnea  is a perpetuating disorder.


September 15, 2018: UOP Sleep Residency

January 7, 2017: Stanford Sleep Epidemiology Research Conference on Myofunctional Therapy, Palo Alto, CA


April 22, 2017: University of California at San Francisco Mini-Residency in Dental Sleep Medicine,  San Francisco, CA.  Follow this link to register:


May 5-6, 2017: International Sleep Surgical Society, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA  Follow this link to register:


June 10, 2017: University of California at San Francisco Mini-Residency in Dental Sleep Medicine,  San Francisco, CA


July 15, 2017: University of California at San Francisco Mini-Residency in Dental Sleep Medicine,  San Francisco, CA


July 22, 2017: University of the Pacific Mini-Residency in Dental Sleep Medicine, San Francisco, CA. Follow this link to register:


August 19, 2017: University of California at San Francisco Mini-Residency in Dental Sleep Medicine,  San Francisco, CA


October 7-11, 2017: World Sleep 2017, Prague, Czech Republic    Follow this link to register to attend:

Feb 13, 2016: UCSF Continuing Medical Education Conference- Sleep Apnea, San Francisco, CA


March 10-13, 2016: International Pediatric Sleep Association  Taipei, Taiwan


May 21 - August 27, 2016: University of California at San Francisco Mini-Residency in Sleep Apnea  San Francisco, CA


July 2, 2016: Pacific Coast Society of Prosthodontists Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA


July 23, 2016: University of the Pacific Dental Sleep Medicine Residency  San Francisco, CA


August 27, 2016: University of California at San Francisco Mini-Residency in Sleep Apnea  San Francisco, CA    

Follow this link to register to attend:

Feb, 2004       
"A prospective study of surgical outcomes of children with sleep disordered breathing” Guilleminault C, Li K, Quo

                          SD, et al. Sleep 2004; 27:95-100


July, 2008        “Treatment therapies for pediatric sleep disordered breathing” Guilleminault C, Quo SD, Li K, Huynh N,  Sleep

                           2008; 31:104-110


May, 2011        “Treatment therapies for pediatric sleep disordered breathing” Guilleminault C, Quo SD, Li K, Huynh N,  Sleep

                           2008; 31:104-110


Jan, 2013         “Teenage sleep-disordered breathing: recurrence of syndrome” Guilleminault C, Huang YS, Quo SD, Monteyrol

                          PJ, Lin CH. Sleep Med. 2013 January; 14(1):37-44 


April, 2013        “Critical Role of Myofascial Reeducation in Pediatric Sleep-disordered-breathing” Guilleminault C, Huang YS,

                            Monteyrol PJ, Sato R, Quo S, Lin CH. Sleep Med. 2013 April


April, 2015        “Short Lingual Frenulum and Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children” Huang YS, Quo SD, Berkowski JA,

                            Guilleminault C. In J Ped Res. 2015 April; 1:1


August, 2015    Missing teeth and pediatric obstructive sleep apneaGuilleminault C, Abad V, Chiu HY, Peters B, Quo SD.

                           Sleep Breath. 2015 August


May, 2016         “Bimaxillary Expansion for Pediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing” Quo SD, Huynh N, Guilleminault C. Sleep

                           Medicine. 2016 May. 

2016                “Orophayrngeal Growth and Malformations.” Quo, SD, Nguyen, N & Bliska, B.                                                                                           Principles and Practices of Sleep Medicine. 6th Edition, 2016. Chapter 143. 


Jan,  2017          "Jan, 2017  "It's not just attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder… or is it?" Won D, Guilleminault C, Koltai P, Quo

                            SD, Stein M, Loe I. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. 2017 January. 

2018                 Endoscopically-assisted surgical expansion (EASE) for the treatment of OSA” Quo SD, Li K, Guilleminault C. 

                          Sleep Medicine. 2018 September

2018                 "Maxillary protraction to treat pediatric sleep apnea and maxillary retrusion - a preliminary report” Quo SD, Lo ,                               LF Guilleminault C. Sleep Medicine. 2018 December

2019                 Apraxia in adults and children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome” Guilleminault C, Huang Y, Quo   SD. Sleep

                          Research Society. 2019 January

2020                 “Sleep Breathing Disorders –Mouth Breathing, Dentofacial Morphology, and SDB.” Quo SD, Nguyen N, Bliska B. 

                            Sleep Medicine for Dentists – An Evidence-Based Review. 2nd Edition, March 2020. Chapter 8 and 15

2001                “Sleep Disordered Breathing – A View at the Beginning of the New Millennium.”                                                                                     Guilleminault, C. & Quo, SD   Dental Clinics of North America.  

                          Vol. 45, No. 4, October 2001, pp. 643-655.


2022                  “Oronasopharyngeal Growth and Malformations with Orthodontic Management.” Quo SD, Nguyen N, Bliska B. 

                            Principles and Practices of Sleep Medicine. 7th Edition, 2022. Chapter 168


Review Articles:

1994                     Orthodontic Wires : Properties and Optimal Clinical Applications.  Kapila, S, Quo, SD, Information aus                                              Orthodontie & Kieferorthopadie. pp.373-389.


2001                     Alambres de Ortodonica : propiedades y aplicaciones clinicas optimas. Kapila,S, Quo, SD, Rev                                                            Espanol Ortodonicia; 25 : pp.285-300. 



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